ruby tyson is a student and artist.

i’m originally from baltimore, maryland, but currently pursuing a film studies degree in dublin, ireland. i am interested in all art— drawing, painting, writing, filmmaking, etc, etc.

Trinity College Dublin

2021 – Present

UMBC Video/Social Media Intern

May 2023 – September 2023

I’m currently a fourth-year student in Trinity’s film studies course. At Trinity I have learned a lot about film history and theory as well as cinematography, editing, and screenwriting. When I’m not studying, I serve as the Chair of the Trinity Arts Festival committee which plans a week-long festival celebrating the arts on campus. As the director, I lead the committee of 13 students and oversee all aspects of planning the festival as well as other events.

At the University of Maryland, Baltimore County, I worked as a video creator for the Chemical Engineering department. Here, I planned and conducted interviews with students, recorded them, and edited them. At UMBC I honed my communication skills and was able to get a lot of practice filming and editing. My work can be seen on the UMBC CBEE YouTube channel.

Bryn Mawr School

2017 – 2021

For high school, I attended the Bryn Mawr School in Baltimore, MD. Bryn Mawr’s rigorous curriculum and dedicated instructors are what prepared me to thrive in college. At Bryn Mawr I was a member of the Community Advocacy for Equity and Environmental coalitions. I also started a club to support victims of sexual assault called Step Up and was a dedicated member of the school’s activist community. There, I was able to focus on art as much as my other academic pursuits. I took painting, illustration, and photography classes and participated in multiple theater productions as a member of the stage crew.

Aside from school, I like to spend my time making art, seeing movies, and obsessively cleaning my apartment. I currently aspire to learn more about the film industry and filmmaking practice and am working on ideas for my own short films.
